In Autumn 2021 we established a Climate Change Action Group along with a group of 7 other schools in the Wakefield District. Since then we have met several times per year via Zoom and in-person to share ideas about how we can become more sustainable. The group set out 4 aims at different levels:

· Government: liaise with local MPs to push the green agenda in parliament so that the UK is a positive role model on the world stage

· Local authority: discuss with the city council what meaningful action they are taking to make Wakefield and the five towns a truly green place to live

· Schools: improve understanding and seek support with formulating actions that will make schools greener organisations

· Individuals: raise awareness in pupils, parents and staff on how to implement small changes that can collectively make a big difference

Each school appoints Climate Leaders from its school population to lead on initiatives like planting trees, leading assemblies and organising competitions.

In 2023 our school was responsible for leading the group to organise a 56-school, 10-day walking relay across the Wakefield district that covered nearly 50 miles by hundreds of pupils and connected thousands more as they lined playgrounds to form welcoming committees and send the next school on their way. It is was a wonderful event that captured the imaginations of our pupils.

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