We are a Operation Encompass school - an early information safeguarding partnership between police and education which allows us to offer immediate support to children experiencing domestic abuse.

Safeguarding is always top priority at Moorthorpe Primary School with Inclusion Resource and is a strength of the school. The welfare of our children is everyone's responsibility and all those who come into contact with our pupils and families have a role to play in keeping them safe. All actions are taken in the best interests of the child.

At Moorthorpe Primary, we strive to:

  • provide a safe and welcoming environment
  • create trusting relationships
  • maintain a culture of vigilance, transparency and openness 
  • act quickly in following our procedures to ensure children receive early help and effective support, protection and justice.

Any concerns are logged by staff and our safeguarding team will act on them appropriately, taking action to ensure all children have the best outcomes.
As a school we believe working in partnership with families is crucial to safeguarding the interests of children. Safer children make more successful learners.

We have two areas in school: The Rainbow Room and The Nest where identified pupils go for extra support. These may be group or 1:1 sessions and may be led by school staff (eg ELSA sessions, wellbeing sessions, bereavement support etc) or may involve external agencies (eg CAHMS, Future in Minds, Play Therapy etc). All children understand these are safe spaces and they can drop in to ask to speak to someone if needed.

If you have any concerns regarding anyone in school's safety or welfare, please do not hesitate to contact the safeguarding team within school on 01977 642820, dojo or via their email address:

· The designated safeguarding lead (DSL) for child protection (member of senior management) is: Deborah Birdsall (Headteacher).
Contact details: email: headteacher@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk

· The deputy DSLs are Janet Hardy (Learning Mentor) and Stephanie Field
Contact details - email: janet@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk and sfield@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk

* For the Inclusion Resource DSLs are Jo Reasbeck, Debbie Gordon, Justin Beardsmore and Chloe Ledger.
Email: jreasbeck@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk

Our new safeguarding governor for 2023-2024 is Mrs Charlotte Jones, email cjones@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk

· The mental health leads are Janet Hardy (Learning Mentor) and Lindsey Grace (Inclusion Officer)
Contact details -
Email: janet@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk 
and lgrace@moorthorpe.wakefield.sch.uk


Contact details for the DSL team out of school hours, weekends or holidays: message Mrs Birdsall, Mrs Hardy or Mrs Field via Dojo or use any of the email addresses.

Please also see our Mental Health and Wellbeing Page for more support and resources. 

Directory of Safeguarding Contacts:

  • Childline - 0800 1111
  • Children's First Hub (Featherstone & South East) Tel: 01977 722 305
    Email: cfhsoutheast@wakefield.gov.uk
  • NSPCC - 0808 800 5000 help@nscpcc.org.uk
  • Social Care Direct - 0345 850 3503
  • Samaritans - 116 123
  • Wakefield I Can (WF-I-Can) website - wf-i-can.co.uk